Creating healthy, happy & balanced lives with the strength to 'stay anchored' in stormy seas
Things have become very complicated and confusing when it comes to knowing what’s best for our health and wellbeing. I like to keep things simple. Rather than striving for unrealistic ‘perfection’ in one area, such as diet, I take a more holistic approach and strive for balance across our whole life, but with room for imperfections and flexibility along the way.
I help people to create more positive energy so that they are able to live the life they want, instead of being held back. But this isn’t just about physical energy. It’s how we feel in our mind and in our relationships too. Our thoughts, stress levels and who we spend our time with can have as big an impact on our energy as food, exercise and sleep. We can’t control all aspects of our life, but there are many small, achievable tweaks we can all make that can have a significant impact on our health and how we feel.