Life's Twists and Turns
Since my last blog post a lot has changed to say the least! In March I was just about to move into my brand new office space and was really excited to finally have a proper base that was separate from my life at home. I was convinced that this is what I needed in order to have a better work/life balance. But then the C word happened and it all went out the window.
I packed up all my furniture that I’d just bought and took it home again, it was a disappointing and difficult day and I’ve now got a temporary makeshift office in a tiny space between my bedroom and kitchen (I’m determined to keep my dining table clear!). It’s not ideal, but i’m making it work for now and feel very fortunate compared to so many people going through awful times at the moment.
As the weeks have gone by, i’ve realised that the office move wouldn’t have been right for me and my business after all and that I actually really love working from home. So although I’ve had my own personal and business related challenges during lockdown, that’s one aspect that has been a bit of a blessing in disguise.
I just wanted to share this little twist and turn in my world because although it’s not a big thing in relation to what’s going on around us today, it felt big at the time and I hope that it’a a reminder to you all that no matter what life throws us, no matter how challenging or crappy it feels, there is ALWAYS something to learn and something positive that we can take from the experience, so stay anchored and be open to finding that silver lining.
The Coronavirus is in many ways turning everything upside down and giving our lives a good shake, but perhaps this is our time to make some changes, both personally and as a community. Once this is all over, do we want the pieces of our lives to settle back down in exactly the same place and carry on as if nothing happened, like it was all a big dream? Or do we want to do some things differently now that we’ve had this unique chance to take a step back and reflect on our life from the outside?
I’ll leave you with that question to ponder, but I have lots more to say around this so I’ll be back with another blog post soon.
Stay well everyone

About Lou
Louise Critchlow is a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach who helps busy women accross the Channel Islands and UK to live a healthier, happier and more balanced life via 1:1 and online coaching. #newwavesnewyou