My top 5 tips for New Year Resolutions
A new year often brings up the desire to change parts of our life or ourselves that we don’t like - we crave that fresh start feeling!
The problem is, we tend to be impatient and make unrealistic promises to ourselves, this then leads to feelings of failure come Spring when we’ve not managed to make those changes, then we wait until the following year to try again.
Why do we think January 1st will be different to any other day that we’ve wanted to break negative habits or start something new? We have the power to make changes whenever we want, but to be successful it takes thought, planning and patience.
Over the past couple of years, I’ve been re-framing new years resolutions to think of them as more like ‘intentions for the year’ - setting myself goals for how I want to feel, or what I want to have achieved by the end of the year. I then work backwards and break them down into smaller bite sized chunks, making them much less intimidating and far more likely to reach the end goals… even if it does take a bit longer.
Here are my top 5 tips for setting your New Year Intentions:
Write down what it would mean to you to achieve this. Imagine how it would feel and picture it in as much detail as possible.
Break the end goal down into smaller and smaller mini goals, until you get to something that you could easily start doing tomorrow.
Record in a journal every day one thing that you have done towards, or in line with, your intention, or outline what you will do tomorrow.
Be flexible and kind to yourself - we all have off days/weeks and things get in the way. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going.
Book a free discovery chat with me if you’d like some help. I’m always keen for a cuppa :)
Good luck and have a happy and healthy new year!

About Lou
Louise Critchlow is a Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach who helps busy women accross the Channel Islands and UK to live a healthier, happier and more balanced life via 1:1 and online coaching. #newwavesnewyou